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Exam season - are you prepared? Exam season - are you prepared?

Exam season - are you prepared?

2 min

May marks the start of a busy exam season for schools and colleges, featuring KS1 and KS2 SATs, A and AS Levels, T Levels and GCSEs. Whilst students are in the midst of revision and coursework, gearing up to put their knowledge to the test, teachers and staff are also busy setting the stage for the smooth-running of examinations in halls and classrooms.


The planning and preparation needed for hundreds of pupils to sit exams is no mean feat - the timetabling, logistics, the invigilating, policies and procedures can be overwhelming. With the right equipment, resources and support, we can help to alleviate some of the stress during this testing time.



Storage is paramount during exam season. Tall lockable cabinets provide secure storage for weeks' worth of exam papers, while lockers offer a safe place for students to store prohibited items such as phones, tablets and watches during exams. Exam desks needn't be a storage burden when exams are over - folding desks with wheeled storage trolleys facilitate easy setup and movement, ensuring efficient use of space whilst chairs can also be stacked and transported on wheels. Wheeled whiteboards can be whizzed around the school with ease and are especially useful in rooms that don't typically have a board, or a display, such as a dining hall or gymnasium - you’ll be needing one to display the relevant details of the exam taking place, as well as a reliable digital or analogue clock that candidates can read clearly.


Warmer Summer temperatures can potentially make halls and classrooms hot and stuffy. Maintain a comfortable environment with the use of fans and air conditioning units and even air purifiers can help with high pollen counts. Clear water bottles in your school’s colours ensure staff and students can stay hydrated, too.



Throughout the exam period, effective revision aids like revision cards, page markers, and highlighters can be invaluable for students retaining and memorising crucial information. Trusty exercise books can help to organise notes and workings-out with page sizes and rulings for all subjects.


It's wise to maintain a stock of exam-permitted stationery such as black ink pens, pencils, and erasers in transparent pencil cases for students who may find themselves without. When it comes to calculators, you can rely on those from reputable brands that are officially approved for use in UK exams, ensuring clarity and removing any doubt. Moreover, it's essential to cater to the diverse needs of students, including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Providing enough additional resources like coloured overlays and magnifiers, readers and headphones is vital to ensure that all students are accommodated during exams.


We’re here for you every step of the way during this intense exam-packed period. By investing in the right equipment, furniture and essentials, you can create an environment conducive to success. Explore these resources and much more in our webstore, or contact our friendly team for help.


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incl. VAT £139.72
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Exam season - are you prepared? Exam season - are you prepared?

Exam season - are you prepared?

2 min

May marks the start of a busy exam season for schools and colleges, featuring KS1 and KS2 SATs, A and AS Levels, T Levels and GCSEs. Whilst students are in the midst of revision and coursework, gearing up to put their knowledge to the test, teachers and staff are also busy setting the stage for the smooth-running of examinations in halls and classrooms.


The planning and preparation needed for hundreds of pupils to sit exams is no mean feat - the timetabling, logistics, the invigilating, policies and procedures can be overwhelming. With the right equipment, resources and support, we can help to alleviate some of the stress during this testing time.



Storage is paramount during exam season. Tall lockable cabinets provide secure storage for weeks' worth of exam papers, while lockers offer a safe place for students to store prohibited items such as phones, tablets and watches during exams. Exam desks needn't be a storage burden when exams are over - folding desks with wheeled storage trolleys facilitate easy setup and movement, ensuring efficient use of space whilst chairs can also be stacked and transported on wheels. Wheeled whiteboards can be whizzed around the school with ease and are especially useful in rooms that don't typically have a board, or a display, such as a dining hall or gymnasium - you’ll be needing one to display the relevant details of the exam taking place, as well as a reliable digital or analogue clock that candidates can read clearly.


Warmer Summer temperatures can potentially make halls and classrooms hot and stuffy. Maintain a comfortable environment with the use of fans and air conditioning units and even air purifiers can help with high pollen counts. Clear water bottles in your school’s colours ensure staff and students can stay hydrated, too.



Throughout the exam period, effective revision aids like revision cards, page markers, and highlighters can be invaluable for students retaining and memorising crucial information. Trusty exercise books can help to organise notes and workings-out with page sizes and rulings for all subjects.


It's wise to maintain a stock of exam-permitted stationery such as black ink pens, pencils, and erasers in transparent pencil cases for students who may find themselves without. When it comes to calculators, you can rely on those from reputable brands that are officially approved for use in UK exams, ensuring clarity and removing any doubt. Moreover, it's essential to cater to the diverse needs of students, including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Providing enough additional resources like coloured overlays and magnifiers, readers and headphones is vital to ensure that all students are accommodated during exams.


We’re here for you every step of the way during this intense exam-packed period. By investing in the right equipment, furniture and essentials, you can create an environment conducive to success. Explore these resources and much more in our webstore, or contact our friendly team for help.


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4 products found
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Pack of 1
incl. VAT £139.72
Pack of 1
incl. VAT £789.00
Pack of 1
incl. VAT £269.00
Pack of 12
incl. VAT £9.65
Total 4 products

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